Alchemy is the ancient art of turning base metals into gold. In order to do this you need to be an alchemist, a gifted master that has learned the secrets of life.
For our Love Ignites Peace book club we read Paulo Coelho’s classic, The Alchemist. The first time I read the book was 15 years ago. I read it again a few years later, and then a few weeks ago I read it again. It is the kind of book that you need to read multiple times, because you feel like there is actually is an alchemical formula that will help you find your own treasure.
Reading it this time, I finally understood. Santiago, the main character, learned how to decode the hidden messages from his life’s many experiences. He faced his fears. He listened to his soul. He turned his life’s challenges into his treasure by following the signs and trusting himself to take the journey. Santiago became an alchemist in the spiritual sense, by learning how to evolve beyond the experiences that challenged, he was able to become a fully empowered version of himself.
My life, like Santiago’s, came with a deep desire, I wanted to reunite with the joy-filled little girl that long, long ago I used to be. He wanted to experience the world. For both of us, that desire taught us many things about ourselves because we both said YES to taking the necessary journey to bring about our soul’s greatest desire.
The challenges in my life had taken me far away from the personal treasure (joy) that I desired. Following the wisdom in the words LoveIgnites Peace, was the map and the quest that I took that lead me to my inner treasures (Yes plural. I came away with a lot more than just joy).
Love Ignites Peace was the alchemical formula that I used in order to turn my life into gold’s riches. This time when I read The Alchemist the story came to life for me as my own life’s journey. I followed the signs, and there were many. I learned about myself and the human experience. I had to face my greatest fear of being solely responsible for myself. I fought many inner battles, the scared and afraid me winning, until the empowered me figured out that I could make the wind blow. (Listen to our podcast and then you will understand the power in making the wind blow.)
There was no chest of money buried under a tree for me, but the richness of learning how to live my happiest, most vibrant, authentic, self-loving, and on purpose version of myself, was my personal treasure. By following the truth contained in the phrase, Love Ignites Peace, the limiting energies that were keeping me away from love kept rising up into my conscious awareness so that I could evolve beyond the fears and the self-beliefs that were keeping me from my heart’s greatest desire. Learning to love and accept myself and to offer unconditional love and acceptance others, led me to feeling the joy that my heart so desired as a part of my daily life.
Who knows maybe Love Ignites Peace is the secret alchemical formula written inside the emerald.
Your personal treasure is different from mine and from Santiago’s. Could taking the journey of learning how to live Love Ignites Peace lead you to your heart’s greatest desires?
Follow us, take our online courses, schedule sessions with aFrēq MDS, and say YES to your soul’s greatest desires. Love Ignites Peace can show you the many ways of turning your life into gold.
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